
Somatropin (HGH) *Kit* 10iu/vial – 10 vials

Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $160.00.

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HGH (human growth hormone) or RHGH(Recombinant human growth hormone) is a human growth hormone (HGH) produced with recombinant DNA technlolgy. HGH is a highly purified protein with 191 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence of the product is identical to that of pituitary-derived human growth hormone. Biological potency is determined using a cell proliferation bioassay.

HGH: regulates the metabolism, stimulate the function of protein synthesis and fat breakdown, For dwarfism caused by growthg hormone secretion, wound healing, to promote bone and muscle growth. With age grow, the body’s own growth hormone secretion decreased by 70%,. Therefore, exogenous human growth hormone can restore youthful vigor and improve people’s immunity, health , beauty and body building.

Human growth hormone (HGH) has been called a miracle anti-aging drug — it’s widely used in alternative clinics for the elderly as a means of rejuvenation. Human growth hormone is an effective anti-ageing drug due to its ability to return an adult’s hormone levels to those of their youth.

HGH is indicated for the long-term treatment of growth failure due to the lack of adequate endogenous GH secretion, growth failure associated with chronic renal insufficiency up to the time of renal transplantation, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, and endogenous GH in patients with adult GH deficiency. HGH is also indicated for the treatment of those who are in severe catabolic states such as surgery, trauma, burns, organ failure or cancer, to promote the protein synthesis. HGH is also indicated for the treatment of the congestive heart failure

 Benefits of HGH:

  • Improve sex drive and desire by stimulation of hypothalamus
  • Lesser risk of detection in professional sport
  • Reduces belly fat through lipolysis
  • Increases energy and vitality
  • Improves skin elasticity & improves wrinkles
  • Increases endurance
  • Accelerates healing from wounds or surgery
  • Strengthens the heart
  • Enhances the immune system
  • Increases IGF-1 production by as much as 50% in first week
  • Improves sleep patterns
  • Improves eyesight and vision
  • Increases calcium retention & stimulates the mineralization of bone, increasing bone density
  • Increases protein synthesis


Dosage & Administration

Dosage – General Recovery: 2-10iu immediately prior to sleep

Dosage – Fat Loss: 2-3iu fasted upon waking and or every 4-5 hrs throughout the day

Dosage – Bodybuilding: 2-10iu 4 times daily typically given immediately after each meal and prior to sleep

Average Cycle Length: Indefinite, longer the better


**Kit Contains; 10 vials 



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